
Think and Drawing

Thinking and Drawing - Japanese Art Animation of the New Millenium

Thinking and Drawing features a wide selection of animation styles from line drawing to CGI manipulated photographs. The subject matter ranges from feminist allegory to ghostly tales. Although each film has a short running time of between 5 and 17 minutes, the depth of meaning in each is truly astonishing. The films have shown together and separately at festivals in Europe, North America, and Australia. 

I think this is a kind of experimental animation. Many of them do not have a clear narration but more focus on some psychological and philosophical issues, questioning how animation can be and something else... For example, one of my favourite work is Suwami Nogami's minimalistic line drawing piece, Imagination Practice (Kangaeru Renshu, 2003). The animation is looping and looping seems without an end.A man is sitting in front of a window with a self-portrait, just the same as the cover of that DVD. The window frame and the blue sky filled with moving clouds are in colour, but the figure of the artist is not coloured in. It gives us a feel that the process of thinking is a loop, you need to question yourself, get an answer, and question your answer, and so on. Besides, it shows that the relationship between artist and his/her work is very strong, artists need to think over and over about their work.

My another favourite work is Tetsuji Kurashige's nightmarish U-SA-GUI (2002) begins by citing a section from Brillat-Savarin's 1825 treatise, The Physiology of Taste, in which the renowned French epicure suggests that stimulating foods, meats in particular, can have an influence on one's dreams. The film depicts a macabre game played by two rabbits and a blindfolded woman. It is quite weird for me as I don't really know about the physiology of taste, but I can sense what it wants to express through the development of story. The style of animation is very special. It likes an oil painting but with little japanese style. The mise-en-scene inside is surreal as they all covered with dark colors. I don't really understand what it wants to tell, the overall feeling and tension is powerful, I think it is about desire, something like that. But I really love the way it develops, how the dice came out by different methods... etc...

