
Lesson 4



*medium specificity

*2 key concepts from experimentation

*~mid 1950, related to lots f countries

*most important characteristic of experimental art

*emphasize the fact that "What are the basic component of this art form"

*EG. the tpic of cinema last week

Automation not another form of cinema



-conceptural fusion between traditional art


e.g. divide people with male and female

-controversy between people studying cultural study

-thought across compartment?



-Industrial Revolution - science

technology - belief and human value

-Switzerland (neutral country)

1916: Hugo Ball and Emmy Hennings

-opened the Cabaret Voltaire in Zürich

-artistic entertainment, daily meetings

**Tristan Tzara [A man with a tie]

Hans Arp, Marcel Janco, Hans Richter

-not a single movement

-non-sense - did it on purpose

                - main point of dada


x value, x boundaries

*Use of new tools / materials [everyday objects]

*Like non-Westren culture film [esp. Africa]

*Representation?! [x]

provoke sensation

"Gadji Beri bimba" Hugo Ball

-stanza makes sth look like a poem

-not about meanings but how the line arranged

**Xu Bing

English not only about meaning and sounds but arrangement

MERZ : painting, room, wall

Readymade - manufactured objects

Marcel Duchamp

*Photomontage and Collage

*Equal value, anti-meaning

Man Enrst - collage for unexpected social satire

               - change of scale

[DRESSDEN] Ars Sonata

Dick Higgins - "intermedia"


Painters (first group of abstract painters)

--> collage (Alan Kaprow)

--> decollage (Wolf Vostell)

--> Inclusion of concrete objects

--> Environment (envelopong collage)

--> Happenings (Kaprow 1958 people are involved in the collage)

Happening - kind of intermedia

- Beyond theatre

- Stage's shape, portability, flexibility

- Beyond omprovisation

 - Higgins - stacked Deck

**Al Hansen

~Collage, music, theatre

3 important elements for happening

Process poem "by A. Leandro from Ponto Ovum 10"

--> Repetition - Variation

Fluxus group

-question what medium is

-break out the boundaries (expanded art)

-Challenge the normal frame of reference of the audiences (xpassive xonly sit here)

Milan Knizak - "Destroyed Music 1963/1980"

John Cage - Graphic notation

Nam June Paik - Music performance without music

