
Ani*Kuri Series

Ani*Kuri is a series of 15 one-minute shorts created by various people from Japan`s animation industry. The title of the collection, Ani*Kuri15, is abbreviated from the words "anime" and "creators".

Here are some of them:

In this series, different animators used their own style to create a specific topic of one-minute animation short film. There are many variation in these 15 short animation and each of them have their unique style. Inside these 15 animation, some animators are familiar to us, for example, Studio 4 Degree C, 押井守, 新海誠, etc... This kind of project is a very good platform for animators to show their own style and explore their animation. I like episode 2 very much, the buildings of the whole city are built by cardboards, the message of "artificial" is brought out easily. And it also express the cold and detached of people in society. Everyone will be disappointed by the cold city even UFO think so.

The avant-garde in Japan is animation, which is giving life to images. These short animations give life to images, meanwhile, there are narration, new media and very rich imagination. Sometimes a short one is better than long one as the climax brought out faster. Therefore, I enjoy watching this kind of short animation. 

