Our Questions and Linda's answers
Conceptual art
-work of visual art need not be visual
-a way of presenting ideas
-art should emphasize thinking
Conceptual artist 1960s - 70
-intention of the artist
-artist - owner
Outsider's art
-explore automatism
-appreciate children and mental patients' drawings
Write about the creation process
Douglas Huebler
-set of photographs of 13 locations
Duchamp's Large Glass
-not yet completed
Ed Kienholz's "concept tableaux"
George Brecht (Fluxus)
Conceptual Art -> painting is dead
-not have to be traditional media
-not too concerned with exploring the medium specificity
-thought concepts = specificity
Josef Albers
- art is concerned "How" not "What"
- with the performance of fractual content
Vito Acconci
-following piece
Jens Hoffmann
-Curator vs Creator
-very abstract and hyper figurative
Christian Boltanski
-archive as art event
Zoe Leonard
-synesthesia - exchanging of sense
Evelyn Glennie
-touch the sound
The Real Thing [Book]
-contemporary Art in China
Gao brothers
-The Utopia of 20 mins Embrace
Du Xinjian [painting]
Peter Gidal -> Essay of structural film
-The shape of the film is crucial, the content peripheral
each film -> record
-not reproduction, representation