
Lesson 9

Stan Brakhage - Dog Stare Man

-narrative - X plot, lines

-have trajectory (contour)

-2/3 elements kept repeating

-what is inbetween? what is ending?

*comprehension > perception

-fragment of sth/baby




-structure - sound, rhythm, arrangement of syllables

-imagery - seeing <--hearing

Jonas Mekas : Paradise not yet lost

- diary

- why do we want to make diary film, what is it for?

- 70s - NY Manhattan

Digital Diary Film

-no particular purpose

-based on sudden feelings

-moving camera - interest tool (life is not as tidy as we think)

  - collect by chance

  - out of immediate impulse

  - memory system

  - re-creation, self interpretation (*IMPORTANT)

FOCUS -> Baby girl -> Every episode itself is one world 

                                    -> Divergent (photographic image)

->optical unconscious (Walter Benjamin)

*present portion instead of representing

*thick description (keep focus on part of thing, talking about what you saw, endless)

*paradox - attempts to look back, to organise, to make sense of the past

 preserve chaos of the past

Visual grammar

-can be an obstacle

*every shot of the film with narrative is important and have meaning

*attempt to separate text and image

*Reference to early cinema

 1)image and text

 2)openness -> progressive

Gently Down the Stream / Su Friedrich

- liberate shots from narrative

- event --->

- power of text and image

- a sign of someone being there

Baüm im Herbst / Kurt Kren

- put ink to create the sound

- no editing process

1) go for a walk

2) record trees and give no.

- about the practise of observation

- open work, based on chance operation

Wavelength (Manual film)

-red tone - varying from red to purple

-shaking of camera

-color - passion

-people - without obvious emotion


-framing - zooming

-environmental noise

-photo of landscape - zoom in

-from room to landscape, end with flashing of color and words

-what is the subject of the film?

  - keep negotiating

  - effect of camera shoting

-thick seeing/ deep seeing

