Story as a mirror
Time image - internal montage
- one single shot
- things going on
The sound track - one world becomes may world
tense - talking about future but there are always past tense
Panels for the wall of the world 1967
*Stan Vanderbeck
-politically explicit
-found materials
-consistence refer to popular culture
- social culture subject matters
- TV
-Cinema invents a world rather than representing the world
-image flow (multi-image)
<--> penetrating (unconscious level)
-found footage film - rely on source
-Abigail Child
Cinema(early work)
-female figure
-melodrama (melody generates emotions)
-sexuality porongraphy
found object / footage films are...
-speed, dynamic, momentum
-temporal (time)
Chantal Akerman (Belgium)
Je tu ill elle (I, you, he and she)
-frames, rectangular space
-visual grammar : still shot (main), movement very significant
-mirror / reflective surfaces -> frames