Research on Found footage/objects videos
Run Lola Run

Think and Drawing

Giacomo Balla

Indian ink in watercolour on covered paper, cm 46,5 x 60
Abstract Speed and Sound, 1913-14
Oil on Board
Abstract Art Artist
Lesson 12
Our Questions and Linda's answers
Conceptual art
-work of visual art need not be visual
-a way of presenting ideas
-art should emphasize thinking
Conceptual artist 1960s - 70
-intention of the artist
-artist - owner
Outsider's art
-explore automatism
-appreciate children and mental patients' drawings
Write about the creation process
Douglas Huebler
-set of photographs of 13 locations
Duchamp's Large Glass
-not yet completed
Ed Kienholz's "concept tableaux"
George Brecht (Fluxus)
Conceptual Art -> painting is dead
-not have to be traditional media
-not too concerned with exploring the medium specificity
-thought concepts = specificity
Josef Albers
- art is concerned "How" not "What"
- with the performance of fractual content
Vito Acconci
-following piece
Jens Hoffmann
-Curator vs Creator
-very abstract and hyper figurative
Christian Boltanski
-archive as art event
Zoe Leonard
-synesthesia - exchanging of sense
Evelyn Glennie
-touch the sound
The Real Thing [Book]
-contemporary Art in China
Gao brothers
-The Utopia of 20 mins Embrace
Du Xinjian [painting]
Peter Gidal -> Essay of structural film
-The shape of the film is crucial, the content peripheral
each film -> record
-not reproduction, representation
Ani*Kuri Series
Lesson 11
Europe - avant-garde cinema
*critique of capitalism
Japan -> Animation (avant-garde) gives life to image
HK - John Wu - experimental cinema
- Pang's brother
Andy Warhol
-desire - cinema
-long series of work - screen shot
- 2-3 minutes of a head facing camera
- screen space challenge
-instantaneous response (at present of camera)
-> Banana - spectatorship
*marking the audience
->suggestive - ness -> ambiguities
looking at the cinema as event
-here and now movement
Blow job -> title -> direction -> narrow down our interpretation
-challenge our viewing habit
X diegetic absorption
*minimum contents
-takes away comprehension and diegetic absorption
*Attack / direct representation
Letterism - play with language
not about STYLE
Jeffrey Shaw -> web of life 2002
-expanded cinema
-space / x screen - immersive / x seeing
The Distributed legible city
-simulating a real city
-textial reading
*Luc Courchesne (Canada)
- about his work - Landscape One at 1999 Ars Electronica Festival
Michael Snow
-setting up what medium specific in cinema
-camera - segmenting a portion of reality
-e.g. people expect camera moved, more face shown
Crouch Leap Land
-transform 2D -> 3D
-play with projection
-no different between projection and object
-no accurate representation of an object
Venetian Blind
-focus -> infinity
-open work
Michael Snow's POV [photography]
- x go straight forward for the subject
- x transparent
Times [photography of abstract painting]
-painting created for the photograph
-painting itself not existed
-wall-extension of the floor
Photographic activity
-primitives and operators
-recreate new kind of 3D space
-new perceptual experience
-film process
-subject is transformed by means of light ad mechanical device
-movement of time -> light
image projected in time
1) illusion
-impression if depth
-realism in film = illusion
separate our tools with subjectivity